Motherpeace Round Tarot Deck
Co-created by Karen Vogel and Vicki Noble
The 78 cards in this round tarot deck are powerful, evocative images, using 40,000 years of symbols celebrating Goddess and Indigenous cultures throughout the world.
Format: 78 round cards in full color, 4 1/2″ diameter with instruction booklet
ISBN: 0880790636
Publisher: U.S. Games Systems, Inc – 1983

Mini Motherpeace Round Tarot Deck
Co-created by Karen Vogel and Vicki Noble
The Motherpeace Tarot celebrates the power of the Goddess and illuminates wisdom from a variety of cultures and from the earth herself. A convenient travel deck.
Format: 78 round cards in full color, 3″ diameter with instruction booklet
ISBN: 0880795131
Publisher: U.S. Games Systems, Inc – 1993

Motherpeace Tarot Guidebook
by Karen Vogel
An evocative and easy-to-use book of interpretations of the Motherpeace deck. It includes upright, reversed, left and right interpretations; a welcome companion for those who want to know all the positions and a great book for someone new to the deck. It also shows you how to do a full layout, includes an introduction to Goddess, tarot and Motherpeace histories.
Format: Paperback, 128 pp., Illustr.
ISBN: 0880797479
Publisher: U.S. Games Systems, Inc – 1995

Motherpeace Tarot Deck/Book Set
by Karen Vogel and Vicki Noble
The drawings in the tarot deck by Karen Vogel and Vicki Noble reflect Goddess and earth-based cultures from all over the world and throughout history. Set is complete with the Mini Motherpeace Round Tarot Deck and Motherpeace Tarot Guidebook by Karen Vogel.
ISBN: 1572810319
Publisher: U.S. Games Systems, Inc – 1995

Motherpeace: A Way to the Goddess through Myth, Art, and Tarot
by Vicki Noble
For over a decade, Motherpeace: A Way to the Goddesss through Myth, Art and Tarot has been an inspiration and oracle for women all over the world. This original, classic text recovers the positive, nurturing peace oriented values of prepatriarchal times, and brilliantly combines art, history, mythology, folklore, philosophy, and comparative religion with an informed spiritual and feminist perspective.
Vicki Noble challenges us to celebrate our ancient woman-centered heritage and to reclaim our right as a people to a life without war. The book is a vision of hope and transformation, made even more powerful by the vibrant pictorial images of the seventy-eight Motherpeace tarot cards. Motherpeace shows how traditional myths and symbols can provide ideas and images for understanding the meaning and power of the Goddess for women and men today.
Format: Paperback, 249 pp.
ISBN: 0062510851
Publisher: HarperOne 1994

Motherpeace Tarot Playbook
by Vicki Noble and Jonathon Tenney
Intricate and original systems of esoteric practices and sacred forms of play using the Motherpeace Tarot Deck. Profound insights into astrology, Fate, chakras, relationships and the Motherpeace paradigm.
Format: Paperback, 207 pp.
ISBN: 0914728539
Publisher: Wingbow Press – 1987

Motherpeace Tarot Playbook
by Vicki Noble and Jonathon Tenney
Intricate and original systems of esoteric practices and sacred forms of play using the Motherpeace Tarot Deck. Profound insights into astrology, Fate, chakras, relationships and the Motherpeace paradigm.
Format: Paperback, 207 pp.
ISBN: 0914728539
Publisher: Wingbow Press – 1987

The Double Goddess – Women Sharing Power
by Vicki Noble
The first book to seriously study the double Goddess that figures prominently in Neolithic and Bronze Age cultures. This book is a celebration of an archetype that not only empowers women, but also teaches them how to share that power with each other. Illustrated with 149 examples of double Goddess images!
Format: Paperback, 288 pp.
ISBN: 1591430119
Publisher: Bear & Company – 2003

Shakti Woman: Feeling Our Fire, Healing Our World (The New Female Shamanism)
by Vicki Noble
A grounded scholarly treatise and revelatory personal odyssey, Shakti Woman investigates and articulates the phenomenon of worldwide female shamanism as it has manifested in the past, and as it is awakening in contemporary women’s lives today. Marija Gimbutas said, By sharing her own journey to female shamanism,Vicki Noble opens a door for others to follow. The message here is strong, inspiring, and direct.
Format: Paperback, 255 pp.
ISBN: 0062506676
Publisher: Harper San Francisco – 1991

Foremothers of the Women’s spirituality Movement: Elders and Visionaries
By Miriam Robbins Dexter and Vicki Noble
Forty years ago, the Second Wave Feminist Movement was in full swing in America. Besides fighting for legal issues such as equal pay in the marketplace and the right to have a credit card or keep one’s own name, feminists demanded women’s health and reproductive rights, marriage reform, and sexual freedom. Radical women began to question the very concept of God as male, with “man in his image,” and from this revolutionary brew, the Women’s Spirituality movement was born. Just as foam-born Aphrodite arose from the sea, the revolutionary Goddess movement arose to inspire women around the country and the world to begin researching ancient worldwide Goddess-based cultures and to create spontaneous circles of women’s ritual and Goddess worship. Some called themselves witches, leaving the church or temple to start covens or churches of their own; others worked within mainstream religious frameworks to bring the “feminine” into what had earlier been male-only priesthoods and doctrines. This seeming explosion of creative religious expression on the part of contemporary Western women is the thematic focus of this book; the 33 chapters are the individual stories of the movement’s founders in their own words. This is an important book for Women’s Studies and the study of Women’s Spirituality.